Green Finance Growth in Estonia

Tallinn had been known for a while as a technology hub! Innovative start-ups and SME´s in Estonia´s capital region intend to master challenges that are in line with climate goals and other sustainability pursuits. Therefore the opportunity to learn practical insights how access to green capital may be possible to realize project ideas and similar efforts are very welcome here as well.

Friday (February 14, 2020), The Nordic Council of Ministers` Office in Estonia and Arctic Values cooperated to organize a green investments workshop in Tallinn in the premises of the Tehnopol Technology Science Park that is home to more than 200 innovative enterprises.

The discussions around the workshop revealed that no matter how large or small a market is, no matter how large or small a business venture is, the reach-out to the global investment markets to finance sustainability initiatives becomes a necessity, due to scarcities of other high competitive funding options and due to the fact that global investors withdraw lots of capital from unsustainable ventures and re-allocate it into green projects. Here is the opportunity for green businesses and projects in Estonia, the Nordic countries and actors beyond!

For further information and inquiries please contact Arctic Values founder and workshop speaker Adrian Braun.


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