Arctic Values offers Green Investment workshops for diverse groups in order to provide the necessary knowledge to receive access to green capital from the international investment community. Implementation of circular and bio economy projects and striving for sustainable digital solutions and green technologies requires the perception of various financing opportunities and this includes global investors and the utilization of green financial instruments, such as, green bonds and sustainability funds for example.
Key elements of the workshops are:
- Green finance introduction – conventional & green investments
- Green market growth
- Climate bonds, green funds, green capital (incl. case studies)
- Issuance of a green financial product! Planning, time-span, interest rates, trading, bondholders and other elements
- Developing an ESG-report to attract investors (Environmental, Social, Governance)
- ESG reporting standards, rankings and scorecards
- Sustainability indices and being visible on the global markets
- ESG-concept as tool to exercise sustainable marketing
For further information and inquiries please contact Arctic Values founder and workshop speaker Adrian Braun.